After working consecutive 10 hr to 14 hr days, I finally have a day off. I decided to settle in and work on some knitting. I would love to continue with my sweater, but I need double pointed needle for the sleeves and after driving over 300 miles in 2 days for work, I
DO NOT want to even look at my car or think about having to drive 30+ minutes (one way) to find a craft store to buy these things.

Note to self: stop by Michaels
in between store calls so I don't have to do it on my day off! Yes, I was right next to a Michaels (actually two) over the past couple days, so I only have myself to blame for not being able to finish my sweater this weekend. So, instead I will work on a super cute little scarf made out of a yummy silk/wool blend yarn.
Well, as I started to settle in I noticed some movement outside our back sliding door. Now, we back up to the woods so you would think we get a lot of wildlife, but really all we ever see are squirrels, birds and insects - mainly spiders - lots and lots of BIG and UGLY spiders. Oh, and I can't forget about all the ticks...there are tons of ticks out here. But today I had a pleasant surprise and I had to run and get my camera:
I really do love living in a home that backs up to the woods. Views like this almost make up for all the bugs.
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