Saturday, June 20, 2009

It's a Love / Hate Relationship

What a wonderful Saturday...the weather was beautiful, even with the hint of humidity in the air. We were so lucky to be able to spend the afternoon enjoying the outdoors together. We decided to play a round of golf and convinced some friends to come along. I really have a love-hate relationship with golf...really just with MY game of golf. I had fun spending time with Randy and our friends Sean and Angie, but I truly am HORRIBLE at golf. I was so bad today that I almost gave up after the first hole...I knew it was gonna be bad after it took ?? strokes to get to the green (it was so bad I won't even share the # LOL). But anyways, I pressed on and ended up having a great time, and even shot a couple GREAT shots, although they were very few and far between. I do find that my putts are much better than my drives - probably all the time I spent on the miniature golf course growing up. I'm looking forward to getting back out there, even if I do suck at the game.

1 comment:

Janessa said...

What a fun outing. Way to stick with it even though you had a rough start. That's a cute picture of you and Randy. What a darling couple!