We have been pretty lucky here this fall - beautiful temperatures hovering in the 70's and up into the low 80's. Hopefully this is normal, because I could get used to this. I know the cold is coming (and actually it's here this weekend as I type...but this post is for last week), but we decided to enjoy the weather while we could.
Bubba goes in to Annapolis once a week for some shoulder work with an ART Chiropractor. It's a bit of a drive, and we have to cross the bay bridge to get there. I'm really not that fond of bridges, but I'm not terrified of them either. I sometimes think of the stories of bridges collapsing and cars plummeting into the water. Yes...my mind really does go there, but more when the weather is dismal and the water looks cold.

Oh, but on Tuesday the weather was PERFECT. So, we stopped at a marina on the way home and enjoyed some time bay-side with a beautiful view of the Chesapeake Bay Bridge.
After we got home we decided to load up the bikes onto the truck and go down to Trap Pond State Park, about 25 minutes from the house. They have a great little 5 mile trail loop through the forest and along the pond that we like to ride and it really was a great day for it. It took us quite a bit longer to get through the loop, but that's what happens when I bring my camera. It really is beautiful there and I just had to keep stopping to take pictures.
The colors are changing now, with golds reds and purples mixing in with all the shades of green - it really is beautiful and I'm so glad we got out to enjoy it. I hope it doesn't get too cold too quickly here...it sure would be nice to have a few more days like this.
There is a bridge right along the road by the park entrance. The bridge has a couple of built-in benches so you can sit back and enjoy the view. Every time we have been there, there have been people on the bridge - either just sitting on the benches or standing along the railing trying to catch some fish. One day we even came upon a man studying the scriptures there. It truly is a peaceful, beautiful spot, with the most spectacular view.
We were lucky to have the bridge all to ourselves on Tuesday...and this was our view: