Friday, September 3, 2010


August News:

We are STILL in Iowa

That's about all that can be said for August. 

Oh wait...I played one round of golf and made the best shot of my life - a 60+ yard chip right into the cup.  SWEET!!

And I had some more big-girl coloring time in my kitchen (I really only use my kitchen to dye yarn...Randy has to do all the cooking if he wants to eat!!)

Now, THAT'S all that can be said for August

What Happened to July?

So, I just realized that my last post was in June.  What happened to July?  This year is flying by - and not in a good way - more of a "Oh no...I thought we'd be outta here before the end of summer"  way.   Hahaha...we continually find that life cannot be planned out and perfectly executed - so we will continue to wing it, and just enjoy the ride! 

July was HOT, humid and rainy for most of the month, which meant NO GOLF for me.  It rained every day that I wasn't working, but that's okay, I'll survive.  Early in July we spent a long weekend in Colorado, scoping the place out.  It was nice to see mountains again - Oh, glorious mountains, how I have missed them! 

We finished off July in Wisconsin, fishing on Lake Michigan.  Again, it was hot and humid...and rainy.  Over the course of our 2 days of fishing, we braved the rain, heat, humidity, freaky-thick fog, and horrible swarms of mosquitos.  We had FUN  (that is NOT said in a sarcastic tone...we really DID have fun!)  and came away with about 50 lbs of king salmon!! 

In between our out-of-town adventures, we spent our free time installing a vinyl floor in the basement and various other little home improvements...

I also kept myself busy during my "free" time with all sorts of yarn play - I learned how to cable and I got to dye my own yarn which turned out lovely 
Wilton's icing dyes makes yummy colors

All in all, July was a great month full of adventure - but it seemed like I blinked and it was over.