So much to do, and I don't want to do it! Laundry has completely gotten away from me, but why? There's only the two of us. I am trying to get all the blankets washed, coats, etc and packed away, but that just takes time away from regular laundry. And then there's the packing and organizing. REALLY? I am at the point where I just want it all gone.
I packed up all my craft stuff last weekend - 18 boxes worth. They are all taped up, labeled and packed neatly away in the crawl space. Now I'm re-thinking that. Do I really want to haul all that stuff across the country so it can sit in boxes for months or most likely years? Should I just get rid of it all? I was very inspired after visiting Jessi yesterday, as she had a very valid point - if I EVER decide to stamp again, will the stamps I have even be "in style" anymore? And all that ink would just be dried up. Maybe I should go through it and sell most, if not all of it now and save myself the headache later. So, does anyone want to buy my stuff at a discount?!
Ok, back to organizing and packing - my third bedroom is now the catch-all room. It should be the guest room. We have a bed in there, but it is standing on end with tons of stuff (mainly for Goodwill) piled around it. Our close friend Jason in coming down from Wisconsin tomorrow and the boys will be doing some spring Turkey hunting in the mornings and basement remodeling in the evenings this week. This means I need to spend all my non-laundry time today trying to get things packed or removed and donated from this black hole of a space by tomorrow. Ugh...I wish I had $$ so I could just hire someone to do all this tedious crap for me and I can just play all day. I got some yummy new yarn to play with yesterday when I visited Jessi and I just want to park my butt on the couch and knit. Or maybe golf first (the weather is beautiful) and THEN knit! Decisions...LOL